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Sponsored by American Heart Association
#AHA24 Exhibitors
Sponsored by Bayer
Screening for Kidney Disease to Reduce CVD Risk
Sponsored by Kaneka Corporation
Lp(a) and Peripheral Artery Disease Toolkit
Sponsored by American Heart Association
#AHA24 Industry Programming Guide
Sponsored by Merck
Pulmonary Hypertension: Diagnosis, Management, and Updates
Sponsored by Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals
Evidence-Based Strategy for The Treatment of Recurrent
Recurrent Pericarditis Panel Case Study and Q & A
Sponsored by American Heart Association
Thank you to our supporters
The American Heart Association is grateful for the continued support and generosity of our exhibitors and sponsors. We want to recognize the following companies for their support of additional sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
Sponsored by Medtronic
Unmet Needs in Hypertension Toolkit
Learn more about initial management of HTN, diagnosing resistant hypertension, sharing decision-making with your patient and more.
Sponsored by Pfizer
Real-World Experience Meets Clinical Practice: Patient Cases in ATTR-CM Management
Sponsored by American Heart Association
Experience Scientific Sessions | Your Final Program
The ultimate attendee publication combining the Final Program and the On-Site Meeting Guide.
Sponsored by Voxmedia
Managing Hyperkalemia in HF: Overcoming Roadblocks with Best Practices
Sponsored by American Heart Association
#AHA Science & Technology Hall map
View or download the #AHA24 Science & Technology Hall map.
Sponsored by Lexeo Therapeutics
Lexeo’s Clinical-Stage Programs Aim to Get to the Heart of the Matter
Scientific advancements have paved a way to target the genetic cause of cardiac diseases. Join Dr Victoria Parikh and Dr Eric Adler on November 17 at the Heart Hub, Heart Theater I to learn more about the potential of gene therapy in cardiac diseases and hear about Lexeo’s clinical-stage programs.