Discover the importance of cholesterol efflux at booth 1211

A strong association exists between low cholesterol efflux and greater risk for recurrent cardiovascular events, independent of HDL cholesterol.


A sustained reduction in cholesterol efflux over time creates an imbalance between influx and efflux, leading to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Plaques engorged with excess cholesterol are vulnerable to rupture, putting patients at risk of recurrent cardiovascular events.

Join us in Learning Studio I, on November 11th at 12:30pm EST, supported by CSL Behring. In this thought-provoking symposium, expert faculty will outline the HDL hypothesis and how it is evolving. We will highlight the association between cholesterol efflux capacity and cardiovascular outcomes and discuss how this has changed our outlook on the original HDL hypothesis. Finally, we will review the residual risk of recurrent CV events following MI and ask why cholesterol efflux capacity is an important mechanism to consider when seeking to further reduce this risk.

References can be supplied on request

This event is not part of the official Scientific Sessions 2023 as planned by the AHA Committee on Scientific Sessions Program.

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