Late-Breaking Science
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Sometimes it’s a quick conversation in a hallway that leads to a lifelong mentor or running into an old colleague between educational sessions that sparks new ideas.
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ReSS: Best of the Best Oral Abstracts
Discover the latest research with Meet the Trialist
Meet the Trialist is a series of extended conversations with select researchers discussing current discoveries and the latest data in clinical trials.
Scientific Sessions and ReSS go virtual, raise the bar
AHA has transformed Scientific Sessions 2020 and ReSS into a dynamic and engaging virtual world to bring science to you.
Unmet Needs in Hypertension Toolkit
Learn more about initial management of HTN, diagnosing resistant hypertension, sharing decision-making with your patient and more.
Late-Breaking Science to headline Scientific Sessions
The lineup of planned Late-Breaking Science is stronger this year than ever before.
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2020 Awards