ReSS, QCOR to meet virtually during Scientific Sessions 2021
Participate in ReSS and QCOR programming with your Scientific Sessions registration.
Two AHA specialties — Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) and Quality of Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR) Scientific Sessions — are being held in conjunction with Scientific Sessions 2021 fully virtual event.
#ReSS21 takes place Nov. 12-14. Resuscitation programming will lead clinicians and researchers in discussions of recent advances related to resuscitation and treating cardiopulmonary arrest. Additional sessions will focus on defibrillation, health equity, and targeted temperature management. ReSS provides a unique opportunity for transdisciplinary interactions that rapidly translate advances in the resuscitation field from fundamental to translational to clinical to population science.
Sessions for Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Meeting (QCOR) 2021 will be presented Nov. 15. Don’t miss the QCOR Early Career Investigator Award Finalists, The State of the Art in mHealth for Cardiovascular Disease (AHA SFRN for Health IT), Circ:CQO Journal Editorial Board and Global Cardiovascular Outcomes, Quality of Care and Outcomes During COVID.
Your Scientific Sessions registration gives you in-person or online access to #ReSS21 and #QCOR21.